Please leave a comment on how I'm doing and what I need to add. THANKS :)
Chelsea Somers
1/3/2012 05:20:29 am

Grammar: You used proper grammar in all of you're Convergent Boundaries section.

Information: You included very good facts, but you may want to change some words for it to be easier to understand.

Capitals/Spelling: You had proper capitalization's, but in you're 'Oceanic-Oceanic Convergence' section, you spelled Marinas Trench wrong.

Punctuation: You did a great job using punctuations, in each paragraph.

Media: You had good pictures that were on topic to the section. If you are able to, it would be good to add some videos to do with the topic.

Overall, great job! :)

Cole Mcgrath
1/3/2012 11:37:24 am

Grammar-You need to fix allyour grammar in all of your convergent boundaries page.

Information-you have added facts that I like but put it in your own words.

Capitals- all capitalization was great!.

Punctuation- No punctuation problems.

Media- All your pictures were on topic and add some videos.

1/3/2012 03:00:56 pm

Grammar: Good grammar but there are a couple of parts where you need to correct your spelling.

Information: When I started reading I realized that you had added a bit more information but it doesn't sound like they're all in your own words.

Capitalization: Capitalization was good but you may want to add more transition words.

Punctuation: There were no errors on your punctuation but you may want to reread because I may have read it but not see the problem.

Media: On media you did great I especially like the home button that you've put at the bottom of each page.

You did an excellent job keep it up.


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